July 21, 2016
The morning began with a session held by the core team of Bruna, Isabel, and Raquel, to help participants reflect on and contribute to the story of what they had learned so far in the course. After taking note of all the activities, experiences and moments, Cesar began by leading a workshop on letting go which built on the previous days. Participants worked in pairs to identify and then create physical representations of what they wanted to let go of in their life, in order to make space for new. With music playing, participants worked in silence with markers, paint, glue, and even glitter. Mauricio led a class on polarity management in the afternoon. Using the chart process he proposed, participants could identify a polarity they work within it.
In the afternoon, Leandro led an experiential exercise about community development. Working in groups of similar Jungian archetypes discovered by Mauricio’s first exercise, the participants had to play the role of an NGO designing an intervent...
July 20, 2016
To begin the day, participant Robyn led us through a movement oriented check in to make clapping and stomping sounds as a group to imitate the monsoon rain outside the classroom. Cesar Matsumoto, a practitioner of Theory U and leader of individual and group transformative change processes, began the first workshop by asking if people could see a world that was dying and a world that wanted to be born. After reflecting individually and with a partner, he wrote down key insights and linked them to a social theory of change called Two-Loops, which comes from the Berkana institute. This opened the door for rich conversations about the different divides and bubbles we are experiencing in the world, such as the social, ecological, and spiritual cultural.
The theory and discussion of examples led to an exercise in which participants each create a timeline of their life from when they were born to present day, identifying three ruptures in which the direction of their lives changed. They identi...